No One Left Behind is the Scottish Government’s most recent policy framework and approach to tackling employment issues across the nation. It aims to ensure those who experience complex and multiple barriers to moving into work are not ‘left behind’.  The framework has been developed in conversation with people who use the services, those who deliver them and strategic partners in Fife.  No One Left Behind is supported through a Partnership Working Agreement which reflects shared principles and ambitions for improving outcomes for individuals between Scottish Government and local authority partners.

How services are delivered is as important as what they do.  The following Principles have been identified as being central to delivering a good service:

No One Left Behind Fife Principles for Service Delivery

  • Equal and fair: people accessing the service will be treated as equals, they will feel respected, trusted and listened to.
  • Strengths-based: provision will focus on helping people to identify and grow their own strengths rather than solving problems for them. This also means giving people responsibility and allowing them to make mistakes and take risks.
  • Non-judgemental: people will feel able to open-up without risk of judgment, staff will bring humility and an open mind to understand peoples’ individual situation and challenges
  • Discreet: services will be provided in a way that respects people’s need for privacy and the vulnerability associated with accessing support services
  • Collaborative: services will work together to ensure people get the support they need when they need it. This includes warm handovers or working alongside one another, with clearly identified progression options and support pathways.
  • Time unlimited and progressive: services will balance consistency and dependability with energy, momentum and challenge at a pace that works for the individual and which maintains momentum towards improved employability
  • Continuously improving: services will actively gather feedback from people who use their services, reflect on delivery and demonstrate a willingness to adapt and learn.
  • Hopeful: provision will hold the hope for everyone who comes through the door, (and those who don’t), and support people to recognise, voice and progress their individual hopes. Knowing that the right work is out there for them, and we are all on a journey.

Brag secured NOLB funding across 3 different strands,  all projects will work closely together in order to ensure there is ‘no wrong door’ for clients and that each client will get the support specific to their needs.  Information on each project can found at the links below;

Bright Futures Youth Provision is being delivered Fife wide and will target 19–24-year-olds. Offering end to end Keyworker support and access to a programme of activities. Find out more about Bright Futures here.

Spring Forward Adult Provision is being delivered Fife wide and will target 25 years and above.  Offering end to end keyworker support across the 5 stage employability pathway. Find out more about Spring Forward here.

Square Start Families Project is being delivered in Dunfermline, South West Fife and North East Fife.  Offering end to end provision for socially isolated families to support on parenting skills including providing hope for their children’s future. Find out more about Square Start here.